Sunday, July 20, 2008

what doesn't kill you makes you stranger.

i just saw the dark knight.

why are guys so afraid of people thinking they're homosexual?

these two guys came in together, but sat a seat apart. i see guys do that A LOT. i find it hard to believe that they need that much leg room or whatever. you're all just afraid. insecure. get over it.

moving on.


this movie blew my mind apart.

there are movies that come along every now and then that you have to see more than once to fully enjoy them. because the first time you see it, you just sit there marvelling at all the brilliant things that are happening before your eyes. so you can't really process it. the second time around is when you really "see" that kind of movie.

this IS that kind of movie.

i don't even want to ruin one second of it by describing a scene, so just go see it.

except that quote in my title is from the opening scene. and i did not misspell the last word. i never noticed that there's only one letter difference between the words 'stranger' and 'stronger.' how about that.

go see the dark knight. twice.

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