Tuesday, July 1, 2008


a quote from a new "stuff christians like" post about how to look generous at church...

Want to look like you have a giver's heart? Wait until church to put your tithe together. And don't just write a check. There's no sizzle in a check, no pizzazz so to speak. Use cash. Take out your tithe envelope and then one by one, add dollar bills. Have you ever tried to cram $50 in dollar bills into a church envelope? You look like Diddy. Make it rain. Make it rain.

that is quality.

he also wrote a love letter to "the blob." that big thing you jump on in a lake. and it is so funny i can't quote it. you just have to go read the whole thing. http://stufffchristianslike.blogspot.com/

just do it.

and he wrote a serious one about dealing with the past, which i really related to. i loathe the past. but his thoughts were great. sometimes we look at the past and downplay it so we don't have to hurt, and other times we relive something in our minds over and over again. brutal. but he had some good thoughts. good word, jon. good word.


Sarah said...

haha that's funny...and about Angie's blog...my friend Erin's friend Sarah is The Sarah from the blog. You know that just lost her baby Eliott and Angie went to visit her. So that is how I found out about it, because Erin was telling me Sarah's story which led to Angie's. SO SAD! Have you read Ashley Knipper's blog? It makes me so mad because all she does is gripe about her baby and I want to email her this link soooo bad! But I think that is my human nature wanting to do that, not Jesus. So I am restraining myself. But anyways, small world!

i'mthechief said...

yeah i have read hers! it makes me really sad. for her baby. i guess it comes from her not wanting kids, and then being surprised with one. and the post-whatever depression. but yeah, its really sad to read that.