Thursday, July 3, 2008

i like jews.

i've been watching last comic standing this season. it's really hilarious, and i've discovered i'm a big fan of comedy. laughing is such a good thing. and they view society in such a unique way.

i should be a comedian.

not so much because i'm funny, though. which i guess is the main ingredient.

it's just that i notice a lot of funny things in life, and i want to tell people about them, but i'm such a bad story teller. i don't know how to conclude or summarize. so it's just kind of awkward. but comedians don't have to conclude or summarize. when they're done with the jokes, they abruptly end the night by saying something like "thanks! i had fun! have a good night!" and that's it.

also, they go from topic to topic with no clear transition. that's another problem of mine. my train of thought is crystal clear in my own mind, but other people sometimes have trouble getting on board. (that's a pun!) but comedians don't have to stick with the same subject for more than 10 seconds. nobody minds if they talk about traffic and then chocolate cake right afterwards.

i have a few favorites. i think my main favorite (which i guess is technically my favorite, and i don't know what to call everyone else) is a british guy named paul foot. youtube him. i love british humor. anyway, there are these jewish twins that are also really funny. here's one of their jokes:

twin 1: we like to play a game called "notice the differences", because people think we're the same, but we're not.
twin 2: ok, let's play. i'll start....i like blue.
twin 1: i like red.
twin 2: i like vanilla
twin 1: i like chocolate
twin 2: i like dogs
twin 1: i do drugs.

ok, that's all! have a good weekend! i'm going to mexico!

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