Monday, July 28, 2008

reality check.

yesterday at church i was thinking about these people that are about to move to st. louis to go to covenant seminary. actually a lot of people.

last night i dreamed that i did. moved to st. louis.

today i looked at covenant's website.

i found this one degree that looks like so much fun.

and then i remembered i have no money.


i just remembered!

i was looking at pictures of my sister's nephew and remembered that last night i ALSO dreamed that i had a baby.

i so will not be pursuing that aspect of my dream at this time.


Val and Steve said...

I hate the part where you remember you have no money. I do that too. I imagine all of these things I'm going to do or get and then, in an instant, my flippin' balloon pops when I remember that the prerequisite is indeed finances.

And your update tickled me. :D

Sarah said...

I want you to have a baby so that Kailey has another cousin. But I would rather you get married first so Casey has a friend.

i'mthechief said...

casey doesn't have any friends? you should tell him to get out more.