Wednesday, July 30, 2008

ken folk.

i know, that's not how you spell "kin."

but this is a story about my uncle ken, who is my kin. it's a play on words.

you know...the ice cream truck? it drives by, it plays music, you bang on your door until your mom lets you out, you go buy ice cream.

well my uncle ken used to tell us it was just a "music truck" so we wouldn't lose our cool every time it went by. i still remember finding it very exciting, but probably not as much as other kids. a truck that plays music. that's pretty fun.

well, i remembered that today. i too, at times, abuse the fact that i am superior to the kids in my class. mentally. plus i'm taller.

they were running around like crazy people, which is usually our cue to take them outside. but a thunderstorm was on the way so we knew we only had a 10 minute window. (oh yeah, we can tell just by the way the wind's a teacher thing).

so we took the snack right outside our door and just had them sit there. but they started to get the wiggles (not the band, the desire to free yourself from a stationary position). and then it started thundering...

and my response....

"you better sit down! the thunder is going to come get you!"

that's bad.

and there are times when one of them will lose a shoe, and i'll set it up on the counter because i get tired of putting it back on two thousand times in a 5 minute period. but then that kid will become a little rambunctious and start attacking other kids for no reason (this could be any kid in our class, at any moment in time...shoeless and violent...). and my way of "redirecting" that child (because punishment is a no-no) is to say...

"hey where's your shoe? go find your shoe."

really, really bad.

1 comment:

Deborah Barnett said...

you are my favorite teacher ever...