Tuesday, July 22, 2008


i noticed TWO funny things today!

i'm so glad. i was genuinely bummed yesterday that my thoughts have been so dull lately.

these might not make you laugh out loud, but for me...it was a good sign that my sense of humor remains intact. even though my life is on the suckish side of things right now.


today at work a kid was carrying around a baby doll. AND a mallet. "why do you have a mallet in your classroom?" you ask. i don't know. the point is that it's funny, because who plays with both of those things at the same time?


i read a little moby dick tonight, and the chapter title was funny:

"Stubb and Flask Kill a Right Whale; and Then Have a Talk over Him"

that is the title. the whole title. it's funny because it's long, and then also funny because of how it is phrased.

i just remembered that things lose their funniness if you explain them too much...

oh well.

i also watched the first ever episode of gilmore girls, and i had forgotten something. the reason i'm reading moby dick, is because of this line...

"i'm reading moby dick right now. i realize it's kind of cliche for moby dick to be my first melville..."

so i decided that MY first melville would be moby dick.

1 comment:

Deborah Barnett said...

glad the humor is in tact. I love that about you. ;o)

if you're looking for a little inspiration in finding the funny in life - read this guy's blog. I don't even know him - but he cracks me up.
