Monday, July 28, 2008

that was a fun decade.

so, i had a huge lightbulb moment today.

i finally understand something that has confused me for as long as i've been reading the Bible for more than fun stories about rainbows and sheep.

this lightbulb moment was not about infant baptism, which is what i'm currently studying.

i'm not even going to tell you what it's about, because that's not the point.

the point is that for 10 or so years this one thing has been BUGGING me, because i didn't understand it. i couldn't explain it. there seemed to be contradictory verses. and i hated that. because i believe that the Bible is true, and it doesn't contradict itself.

after my post the other day a friend pointed out that faith plays a huge role in us understanding anything relating to doctrine. and of course i agreed with that, because she is no fool. (hey brittany!)

and today during my lightbulb moment that was made even more clear. because for the last 10 years or so i've been reading these verses wondering...what the heck?? but at the same time having faith that what i believe is true.

and i have no idea why God wanted me to be confused about it for so long, but that's ok.

because there is so much JOY in lightbulb moments. Truth is so delicious.

"I have not departed from the commands of his lips; I have treasured the words of his mouth more than my daily bread." - Job 23:12

and just so you know, when i did my first word search to find that verse...i searched for "eat precepts."

just to show you how much i suck.

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