Sunday, July 27, 2008

i still hate that game.

do you remember playing a game called "red light, green light" when you were younger?

i think we didn't play it often enough, because the basic concept of "green means go" seems to be lost on so many people.

more specifically, the people in front of me at traffic lights.

when the light turns green, and they don't go...i can't help but wondering..."WHAT are you waiting for?"

seriously. GO people.

"i know what you were waiting for. you were waiting for the light to turn green. but now it is green, so there's no reason to still be sitting here."

if there's time for me to scream all of that, you're pausing too long.

on the rare occasion that i am at the front of the line, and i DO go as soon as the light is green...i look in my rearview mirror even though i know what i'll see. people a mile behind me, waiting for...WHAT? what are they waiting for?

i don't understand.

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