Wednesday, August 26, 2009

stretching is weird.

the similarities between small children and animals have always disturbed me.

today i had reason to say "don't drink that! you only drink from a cup."

was it because someone was trying to...

A. drink from the toilet like a dog
B. inhale water in the swimming pool like a gross person
C. lap milk off the floor like a cat


in other news,

i got my new sponsored child in the mail! you know what i mean.

his name is matheus. he is 12. he lives in brazil. he's got a sweet smile, and he likes to sing. like me! the liking to sing part. but hopefully for him, he sounds less like a drowning rat and more like an angel. i'm so sure he does! you should see that smile. he is oozing "angel."

sponsoring a child is good. i love it a lot. it's good to just feel pure joy about something. no complications.

remember: if you ever have any questions about how it works, just ask!

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