Monday, August 3, 2009

i do not like cats.

sorry about the double posting.


i'm always trying to bring back "NOT!"


i'm not going to explain how i ended up on youtube typing in "stupid cats."

i am not a cat person.

i don't feel like this needs to be justified.

but if you need some convincing:

did you see those fangs?? and those eyes...


it reminds me of a quote from "bones." an unexpectedly hilarious show i watch.

"the common house cat will devour you before your body is even cold."

i believe it.


Unknown said...

hahahah did you hear how I "killed" the Davis' cat?

theBobcatBite said...

jonathan and i watched this over and over. then we digressed to watching laughing dogs. i never realized how many pet postings there are on youtube. i wonder if america's funniest home videos really took a hit from youtube. they kind of stole their thunder, you know.