Sunday, August 9, 2009

it's time to shake our sillies out.

thank you, plastic bottle donors!


i have a recurring dream! i've always wanted one of those.

here's how it goes:

i dream i go back to college.


i take fun classes and learn wonderful things. then one day, i wake up and i'm late to class. or can't remember where my building is. and then it dawns on am i going to pay for this? i can't afford to go back to school! i already have student loan debt! so then i drop out of all the classes.

~the end~

i've had it 3 times now.

interpretations? anyone?


Unknown said...

that sounds like a real thing that would happen, so maybe don't go to school if you don't have the money.

theBobcatBite said...

we are linked at the brain. because that is MY recurring dream.