Thursday, October 2, 2008

stay tuned...

my dad called to tell me that he just mailed me a book.

he said that HIS dad gave it to him a long time ago.

he didn't tell me what it's about, but i don't care. i'm an extremely sentimental person. (or a packrat, depending on how you look at it...)

i'm so curious! i wonder what it's about...

i'm sure it'll be great. because any book that my grandpa picked out is going to be a gem. it will either be incredibly inspiring and life-changing, or outrageous and hilarious*.

the sad part is that since my sisters are FAR more likely to wed than i am, the book-giving train ends here. he should have been more strategic. but i'm not going to tell him.

ooh! what if it's about end-times prophecy that i don't agree with at all? or maybe a 70's version of "how to win friends and influence people." whatever people were reading back then for inspiration.

i can't wait.

*for those of you who don't know me well or have forgotten, here are some facts about my grandparents on my dad's side:

1. they claim we are related to alexander hamilton, whose mug is on the ten dollar bill. they now refer to the ten dollar bill as a "grandpa hamilton."
2. my grandpa watched a sermon about this city called "petra." it's about end-times prophecy. he video-taped himself making comments about this sermon, and edited himself into the sermon. he included a drawing on a scrap piece of paper to support his theories.
3. when my grandpa proposed to my grandma, she said she'd only marry him if he bought her a washing machine.
4. they gave me this:

so, yeah. i'm pretty sure whatever i'm about to get in the mail is going to blow my mind.

it might not be funny at all, but i know i'm going to love it.

especially since my dad said "now, when you see the title, don't let it freak you out."


Sarah said...

hahaha I can't wait to see what it is either! Hey are you going to the debate on Tuesday, I mean I totally think you should if they would let you in..

i'mthechief said...

pretty sure it's not open to the public.

but pretty cool that belmont is having it, right?