Saturday, October 18, 2008

joe the plumber.

it's saturday, and i just watched the last presidential debate.

i forgot it happened on wednesday. i was playing computer games.

i watched the entire thing this time, but there was still a problem. i watched "SNL weekend update thursday" on i had a really hard time taking the actual debate seriously. during certain parts. you know the parts.

i also kept thinking about how their suits were really shiny.

it was a really good debate though. i think they explained themselves better this time. especially when responding to each other's accusations. i still don't know who i'm voting for...

and to be honest, i'm really skeptical of people who were firmly convinced of who to vote for months ago. it's perfectly fine to know who to vote for NOW, because we're almost there. it's almost time to vote. i should make my decision. i have commitment issues.

but we're talking about two candidates here who are imperfect. there's no way we can look at either of them and say "i agree one hundred percent with you." i think my pastor said once if you agree with someone about should be yourself.

i get irritated when i hear obama supporters talking so condescendingly about mccain supporters. like they're idiots or naive. and i get really irritated about mccain supporters talking about obama supporters like they're immoral and selfish.

neither candidate has good ideas about everything. and if you think your candidate was "the obvious choice" from day one...then you haven't really examined either of them.

but that's just my opinion.

my favorite part of SNL was the crazy mccain supporter. hilarious. "i heard obama is 50% egyptian. he's going to turn the white house into a pyramid."


Sarah said...

hahahah I know! That was HILARIOUS! Sarah Palin is going to be on SNL tonight. I am way excited.

Deborah Barnett said...

I'm so bummed I missed last night's SNL. My NyQuil kicked in and well, you know how that goes...

You would have loved the "Roast" the candidates did of each other. Did you see? If you can find it online to watch it - you won't regret it. I personally am an Obama supported - but I thought McCain was hilarious in this...

Deborah Barnett said...

that would be "supporter"... NyQuil aftermath.

i'mthechief said...

i do know how that goes. the nyquil buzz. it's a feeling i chase.