Sunday, October 5, 2008

heads or tails.

abcnews has a quiz you can take on obama and mccain. it gives a series of quotes, and you pick the one you agree with. it's supposed to help people like me decide who to vote for.

i got 6 for one and 7 for the other.

not helpful.

unless someone can talk me out of it, i am either going to do a coin toss to decide who to vote for...

or not vote at all.

i'm serious. i'm not going to cast a vote just for the sake of casting a vote. i want to feel confident about my decision. who knew i'd be one of those people. i did not see this coming.


Val and Steve said...

I understand this is a frustrating thing. I wish I knew more about what exactly you are battling with - what issues, etc. But I encourage you to not flip a coin; to actually vote; and to feel more confident about the person you vote for than the other candidate. Unfortunately no candidate is perfect; no candidate is going to align directly with your views, and no candidate is going to complete everything they say they will do. It's just not possible in a four year term. Now, I am bias about my opinion for who should be president...
But I don't think you should not vote because you aren't absolutely positive about who should be president. One of these men are going to be in the oval office come January. If you need some swaying to the left, I'm yours.

check out

Val and Steve said...

Oh, yeah I forgot to say why: is an unbiased website that might help you out.

Sarah said...

You most definitely do not want to hear my opinion! But hey what are big sisters for?? Obama scares the bejeebies out of me. I mean there have been so many instances where he has accidentally hinted at the fact that he has in the past had an Islam faith and that freaks me out just because of like all of them hating us. I mean what if he is like one of them out to get us...You probably think thats dumb. Hopefully it is..

Secondly..I want someone to be president that has actually experienced being in combat, because they are the only ones who should be in charge of that many people who are in combat..

And thirdly and honestly the biggest part that I base my vote the abortion issue. I cannot vote for anybody who supports it, and while McCain is not perfect on this issue, he is definitely more against it than Obama. I mean if people would quit aborting their babies, Kenya and David could have gotten one way easier, and thank heavens people didn't abort as much when Daddy was born or, we wouldn't be here..

That was my soap-box..That's all I will say. :)

i'mthechief said...

i do too want to hear your opinion. the reason i'm so "confused" is because i agree with you about some of those things.

i like your point about the war. i'm not a pacifist, and i'm not against war. c.s. lewis wrote a hilarious essay on pacifism. he didn't mean it to be funny, but the way he puts pacifists in their is a thing of beauty.


i disagree about the islam thing. crazy terrorists are the EXTREME in that religion, the same way that extremist Christians used to crusade and murder people. also, because of faith in Christ, there's no real need to fear people "out to get us." persecution is part of the deal. if he is out to get us, then he's a pawn. God wins. spoiler alert! =)

and, we DO have the same belief about abortion, obviously. i'm not a fan. i, too, side with mccain on that one. but it's just one issue. and i'm having a hard time deciding if it is "the" issue to base a vote on. is abortion really going to go anywhere? probably not. so maybe i should be basing my vote on something else.

Val and Steve said...

I just have to add more than two cents, apparently.
The Islam faith thing is absolutely ridiculous. Extremists in ANY religion scare me, including Christianity. Obama is not a Muslim.

Second, nobody is qualified to be president. The only person who is qualified is someone who has been president before. They only know what it takes. The job is constantly changing, constantly demanding different things, different knowledge, different actions. It's NEVER the same. So, the candidate you vote for has to be able to evolve and adapt to the needs of the people as the demands of the position changes.

Thirdly. I understand that Republicans often win on moral issues; however, this is something that I am very strongly positioned about, and I'm always up for good conversation. Just because you disagree with something morally, doesn't mean it should be a law. They are two completely different things. As a woman, I don't want anyone telling me what I can and can't do with my body. I don't think it's anyone's right but my own, and I especially do not think it is government's right.

Should one sole issue govern who you vote for? I don't think so. Fighting in a war is not a prerequisite for being president; nor does it make you a better (or worse) president.

In the words of FDR: It is fun to be in the same decade with you.
Peace. V

i'mthechief said...

i don't know. aren't a LOT of laws based on moral issues? for's wrong to steal. it's wrong to commit fraud.

i understand the point about it being your own body. i think a lot of people forget how complicated it if some single girl decides to do a good thing and give her baby up for adoption, she still has to be pregnant for 9 months. maybe she ends up being put on bed rest, and then she loses her job. it's complicated.

i get what you're saying, i just think it's complicated. and i definately think morals are important. to the point that they should be law. because there are some things that are RIGHT. and true. and there are some things that are WRONG.

but on the other hand, i do understand that if the government gets too crazy about telling us what to becomes a dictatorship.

and on a different hand, it's interesting how we think we have so many "rights." not just you. me too. c.s. lewis is awesome there too. he has this book called "the great divorce." long story short, it's about all these people who are dead who travel to the foot of heaven, and they have some people come out of heaven to help them get in the right mindset to enter heaven. and this one guy is like "i just want want i earned! i did what i was supposed to. i want my rights! i'm not going to ask for any charity." and the helpful guy says, "well, you SHOULD. ask for charity." at some point, demanding our "rights" actually hinders us from something greater.

um, oversimplified. apparently i'm on a c.s. lewis kick.

i'mthechief said...

and that probably didn't make any sense anyway.


and that was a good point about experience. how they can't be completely prepared. but maybe someone with military experience is closer to the mark?

oh my gosh. do you see how confused i am. i go back and forth, back and forth.

Sarah said...

I totally understand about the whole "experience" factor. I mean that is why it took me 3 years to actually get a teaching job b/c of "lack of experience". I mean you can't get any until you are given the chance. However, I am not sure I want someone in there who has never even had ANYTHING to do with the military, all of a sudden being in charge of it. That just freaks me out.

I also totally agree about the extremists in any religion being dangerious. For sure. I guess I am just not sure he isn't secretly a wolf in sheep's clothing. I mean what if he is, that is freaky?? That is definitely not the only thing I base my vote on, because it is more than likely just crosses my mind, that's all.

One thing I completely disagree with is the "It's my body" factor. A baby is not part of your body. It is an entirely different person. I thought I had views on abortion until I was preggo for 40 weeks, and now I really do! Babies are miracles straight from God and it is NOT our place to kill them. Not only does abortion harm them, it harms "your body". Not just physically but emotionally for the rest of your life. So while yes you should be able to make a decision about your own body, you should not be able to kill someone just because they happen to be inside of you. That is one issue I will never agree with the other side on..

Lastly, I know it should not just be one issue that I choose the candidate over. I agree on that...I think that I just have certain issues that carry more weight than others.

Thanks for the's fun! Takes my mind off of stupid benchmark tests at school!

Val and Steve said...

I LOVE a good debate/conversation/discussion, and I completely respect opinions that differ from mine.

A couple more things.
I think politics are influenced by morals, because politicians are human and humans tend to have morals. I think laws should be formed to protect people's rights. I think there are certain morals that are in the gray area, and while one person may say "true" and "right" another person may not.

Abortion is tricky because it's one of those highly debated gray area topics. You are taking away someone's rights - either the mother's or the unborn child's. I think what we can all agree on is that abortion SUCKS no matter what. And there should be more preventative programs.

And I certainly think that military experience can't hurt, but I don't think it necessarily means that they are going to be a better leader or they are more qualified to lead. Both Bushs had military experience, Nixon did too. They also score at some of the lowest approval ratings of all time. FDR didn't have military experience, neither did JFK, and they had high approval ratings. And then there are some that cross those lines like Reagan.

I'm rambling. I'm good at that too. I think people have different issues that are more important, and therefore they do carry more weight on a voting decision. That's why no candidate is ever perfect... no two people will align completely about every issue. So you pick who you think will do a better job on the issues you care most about. In the end, it's in God's hands anyway.

Okay - off to prepare to watch the Belmont Debate! Hooray for the alma mater!