Wednesday, October 8, 2008


yesterday i was talking to a coworker, and i said "are you going to watch the debate? it's at belmont!!" and she said "yeah, i'm going to watch a black man win!" and i laughed about it, because i thought that was funny.

well today she asked me what i thought about it. i told her i still don't know who i'm voting for, i'm really confused about who would make better decisions for our country. i also said i thought that obama did a really good job last night...he seemed really calm the whole time, and he's really good at communicating.

and then she said something like:

"well, you shouldn't be afraid for a black man to be president. God made every kind of person there is."

and just walked out the door, without me having a chance to, um, respond to that.

if i decide to vote for mccain, i'm doing it because i'm RACIST?

the short answer is NO.

the long answer is heck, no.

i really don't know what to do with that. racial tension is definately still an issue in this country. but that doesn't mean all mccain supporters are prejudiced. i did not expect to ever hear that.

and i guess that's one piece of evidence that proves how blind i am to the issue of race in general. if i didn't expect to hear it, i'm not really aware of how big an issue it is.

but it's still LAME.

1 comment:

Val and Steve said...

What kind of crazies do you work with?

I work with some of them too. :)