Friday, October 17, 2008

life on the edge.

i am a bad driver.

i'm the one who gives women a bad name. sorry.

it's not intentional. i don't speed for the thrill of it. i don't tail people because i think it's my right. i don't furiously switch lanes out of impatience. usually.

but i'm not one with a lot of common sense. (i make up for it with charm and wit). and people with less common sense than other people make bad drivers. i tend to drive through yellow/red lights, or stop at green/yellow lights. when i do switch lanes, it's very...jerky. most of my driving is very jerky. i'm just a bad driver.

so i have a couple rules for myself.

1) don't eat while driving.
2) don't answer the phone while driving.

if i break those rules, people die.

so last night i got off work and did the crying thing that i mentioned yesterday, and i couldn't wait until i got back to my apartment to talk to someone. i called my dad, and then i called my friend ashley.

i shouldn't have done that.

while i was talking to ashley, i failed to notice that there was a cop directly in front of me.

i just can't focus while i'm on the phone...

anyway, apparently i got a little distracted by our conversation and wasn't paying attention...

because i somehow started tailing the cop...

to the point where he switched lanes...

and slowed down...

and i almost, ALMOST sped by him in a fury. the grace of God opened my eyes to what was happening, and i realized "hey, that's a COP." so i slowed down and he didn't pull me over, which is also grace. cop grace.


1 comment:

theBobcatBite said...

I was a (phone) witness to this stunning feat of cop-submission. that's right... cops answer to allison king.