Sunday, October 12, 2008

true stories: the first installment

it should be no secret by now that i have a strange family. the best kind of strange, mind you. i will be taking a few trips to texas before the end of the year. i was thinking today about how wonderful things will happen. strange things.

tonight, a preview.

a real conversation i had with my youngest sister laura. which followed another strange conversation i had with another sister, emily. the first line will make it apparent that i'm leaving out a lot of details, but...that's not really the point.

me: you used to eat worms?
laura: i ate one once
laura: why?
me: what are you talking about
laura: what are you talking about
me: emily just told me that, and i didnt believe her
laura: i did. when i was four
me: why did you do that
laura: i thought it was a gummy worm
me: no, no you didnt. that can't be the reason.
laura: i am being serious
me: where was i
laura: i dont know. i did it at church in sunday school
me: that's bizarre.
laura: eh
me: i put a roach in my mouth once
me: that used to be one of mom's favorite anecdotes
laura: i know. i was there
me: no, i was one.
me: you weren't even partially there.
me: emily wasn't even there.
me: i was barely there.
laura: i have a vision in my mind.


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