Tuesday, June 30, 2009


i'm not a supporter of posting twice in one day.


i go to youtube, and this is what they recommend for me:

sorry you have to work extra hard and click a link. no embedding allowed. warning: this is bizarre and disturbing. and long, so start about 2 minutes in. musical nightmares might result.

i assume because of all the ben sollee videos i watch, youtube thought (you know, with its computer mind...) "she'll LOVE this."

youtube fail.

but THEN i decided to go watch some videos i've made, and found this old gem. it's from may of last year. see: not december. i turned the camera on just knowing that something strange would happen. i do love my family. ignore the ceramic clowns, totem pole head, and shag carpeting. there's no time to focus on that. it's my grandparents' house. full of many wonders.

time for bed, and wednesday.


Ford said...

Are you saying you don't like that cello music? It seemed pretty OK to me. That man should, however, be kept far, far away from a video camera or any editing equipment. Is there some sort of sex-offender-registry-type database for people who do criminally bad video editing?

i'mthechief said...

are you kidding me? do i love cello music? do you know me at all?

i only mention my musical obsession, ben sollee, like...every other day.

he plays cello.

Ford said...

No I mean that particular cello music.

i'mthechief said...


Unknown said...

hahahahah love it. love it love it love it. why have you never shared this video with me before (of the grandparents)? and why have i never thought to videotape them before??