Thursday, June 25, 2009

i lack cotton balls.

so, are you ready for the most vague, confusing, and cryptic thing i've ever said on my blog?

last night i stayed up late and blogged, against my better judgment. me and my best friend/roommate had a saying in college. "if it's after 10pm, we're either asleep or crazy." it still holds true.

i had a fun time last night, and wanted to blog about it. i mean, what's a blog for, right? so i type out some fond memories and sum it up with a deep thought. and i went to bed.

i woke up this morning, and realized...oh no. i think i just did something incredibly weird. and kind of creepy. i'm not going to say what it was. i deleted that post. but if you saw it, and know why it was weird and it was so unintentional. seriously. unintentional.

and if you didn't see it, and don't know why it was weird...well. moving on.


what a day.

i started out mildly concerned about the bizarre thing i accidentally, ACCIDENTALLY, did last night. not worried or freaking out, just...mildly concerned.

it soon became the least of my problems.

a brief recap:

flat tire in the middle of the day.

frantic call to kyla who saved the day by sending someone i barely even know to help me change it.

the spare tire has been in my trunk for so long, that the knob to release it was rusted shut, and he was unable to get it out. i wasted an hour of his life. i was hoping he could show me how to change a tire, so i could be less lame. but now i just feel bad that his time was wasted. wasted.

while trying to get to the spare tire, i cut myself on a rusty nail. i cut myself on a rusty nail.

but the school maintenance man came in this afternoon, and took a look. he was able to loosen it some with his tools, but discovered it was flat.

then he whipped out a maintenance man magical potion, and patched it, and filled it with air. how? i don't know.

when i got off, i drove a short distance to firestone. they were able to hook me up with a new tire in an hour.

and then i went and got a tetanus shot.

what. a. bad. day.

while driving to get my tetanus shot, i reflected on the day's events and felt like God was deserving of some praises. i've never been terribly successful at the "look at Christ ten times for every look at myself" thing, but today i was overwhelmed by His goodness. i began to list what went right today, and quickly realized the list was a lot longer than i expected. it's not good to cry while you're driving. i almost did though.

and for some reason, whenever i have a car problem, it makes me feel very alone. it's kind of hard to deal with by yourself sometimes. and that's basically what i have to do. but kyla and the guy i barely know made me feel not alone. they both go to my church, and i was once again very grateful for the community i'm part of. i'll save my thoughts on "social poverty/relational poverty" for another day because this is getting long. and my arm hurts. (translation: waaaaaaahhhhh.)

i think that's it.

an actually brief recap:

sorry about the, uhhh....

one flat tire, and one flat spare tire.

rusty nail.

God is the best part of my life. don't know what i'd do without Him.


Hitoshi said...

if this blog post had an "I like" button, I would click it...

and I think I read your supposedly weird post from last night, but I didn't pick up on anything particularly strange...only that you misspelled "definitely"...hmmm...

i'mthechief said...

like i said. confusing and cryptic. such is the plight of the insane.

but it would have only been weird to one person.