Friday, June 26, 2009

don't eat glue.

it's common knowledge by now that i'm a big fan of nyquil. i once wrote an ode to nyquil in haiku form, while under the influence. (of nyquil...)

i have a new favorite item in my first aid supply. it's not as good as nyquil, but it does make me feel tingly.

hydrogen peroxide!!!

that's what i'm cleaning my rusty nail cut with, and wow. it's so much fun. it bubbles. i pour it on, and then it just starts bubbling. so great.

i'm not going to start cutting myself just so i can use it or anything. i'm just saying that next time i get cut, i'll be a little less sad.

and it has also become very clear to me that i would be a drug addict if i had no Jesus. i'm not making a joke. i think i would be.

too bad tetanus shots don't have a silver lining.

i do feel strangely confident though. like i could just lay in a bed of rusty nails and walk away unscathed.

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