Wednesday, June 10, 2009

better than sudoku.

i have been neglecting my word-a-day calendar.

what a shame.

so today i did some catching up.

the well-crafted sentences that are intended to help you deduce the meaning of the words were a

i seriously can't think of a better word than "hoot."

word-a-day calendar fail.

Bruce is a skillful conversationalist whose deft use of repartee and quick-witted banter make him a sought-after guest at dinner parties.

The senator's folksy demeanor and seemingly artless candor belie the man's shrewd and calculating political sensibilities.

i know. out of all the words in that sentence, they selected "artless" to be the featured word.

Michael has had a yen for his grandmother's cooking ever since he moved away from home.

"If you elect me," said Jack, "I give you my word that I will not truckle to special-interest groups."

As usual, Jimmy forgot to put the butter back in the refrigerator, leaving it to deliquesce on the kitchen counter.

and just because i feel like it:

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