Wednesday, September 9, 2009

this is totally normal behavior.

i killed the class pet today.

kind of on purpose.

we've had this fish since january. fred the fish.

i don't like fish. i feel that a relationship with a fish is very one-sided. they require a lot of upkeep, but offer nothing in return. no love. no affection. and as a class pet, it's kind of useless.

me: look at fred! what is he doing?
child: swimming

conversation over.

so anyway, we have this fish. had this fish. i stopped feeding it around april. my cabinet was starting to smell like fish food, so i threw the food away. the water hasn't been changed in a few months. there was someone who came around and did that, because she had the special chemicals, but she stopped doing that too. almost all the other fish in the school already died of natural causes.

today i lifted up his "aquarium" (see: oversized cup), to show to a girl i was holding. she was crying. this is something i do all the time. her beloved class pet did not come to the rescue. i set it back down, but a little too close to the edge of the sink. that part was not on purpose. it fell, all the water drained in the sink. (yay for not having to clean anything up!)

i had a decision to make. fred was flopping around. i considered filling up the tank with water, and hoping someone would find the time to supply him with the proper chemicals. but if you think that's likely, you've never worked at my school. i will not elaborate on that.

so i flushed him.

i don't like fish.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hahahaha that story is amazing. hey remember when we had those fish that lived for like 10 years and we seriously never fed them? they survived on fungi or something. so weird. we forgot they existed and i'm pretty sure they were dead for awhile before we even found them.