Saturday, September 12, 2009

i always wanted red hair.


i have been seeing commercials for the morning news lately. and it makes me happy, because i love my morning news anchors. i watch it every day before i go to work. while my eyes are opening, and i'm gaining control of my muscles. trying to feed myself. plug: i've said it before but on abc at 6am, they are actually funny. they tell little jokes. but not annoying news anchor jokes. funny jokes. i love jokes.


i finished "harry potter and the goblet of fire."

my thoughts:

"holy crap."


"Look at this stuff, isn't it neat?
Wouldn't you think my collection's complete?
Wouldn't you think I'm the girl
The girl who has everything?"


3) we got "teacher survival packs" at work for the start of the new year. surprisingly, not lame at all.

dry erase markers in new, exciting colors
sharpies in new, exciting colors
an entire pack of pens
our own roll of tape
bubbles (you have no idea the kind of magic they work)
two pads of paper specifically designed for creating lists
various kinds of candy to consume

these are all equally delightful.

and my new co-teacher quit after one week (that's week), so i'm keeping both pads of paper for myself. unless she takes it, but she hasn't yet. i like making lists.


Ford said...

Why are you quoting the little mermaid for apparently no reason? Also! I'm just finishing up book 5 of Harry Potter. It's pretty danged good, mostly. Harry is a bit whiny, though.

Unknown said...

hahaha it is hilarious that FORD of all people recognized the little mermaid song!! that is my only reason for commenting. truly made me laugh.

Emily H said... Your blog makes me happy. And so do comments by Ford about the Little Mermaid. :)