Monday, September 7, 2009


i've been thinking about the past today. it's allowed.

me and my roommates had a door covered in post-its.

on those post-its were quotes we overheard. hilarious quotes. i haven't thought about that door in a long time.

that's only from one year.

i kept them all, and made copies for my roommates.

i bring you the best of the quote door:

"i was at the doctor's office with my wife. she was getting an ultra sound. no. wait. we were at the beach and my son had just caught a fish." - professor gonas

"the air force has bigger problems than your asthma." - emily

"then again, in a perfect world, i would have a tail." - jason

"there's a part of me that wants to tell you the truth about geese. but then there's another part of me that says, 'they just don't need that right now.'" - professor john arnn

"if there was a freak showcase, we would be in it." - me, referring to our river dance. yes, our river dance.

"i blew the tulips up." - me

"i want to be in a choir so bad. or a cricket stadium." - ashley

"we only howl when provoked." - ashley

"it's so good. it makes you want to kill people." - me, about a movie.

(in the middle of a test, out of the silence...) "i do not like squirrels. no i don't." - dr. pursell

"i think that if i knew that Jesus was my grandpa, i wouldn't lie so much." - jason

"if i ever get married, i'm probably going to kill my husband." - me, don't ask. no i have to tell you. i toss and turn a lot at night.

"i sure wish i'd brought that gun..." - the maintenance guy

"i need to buy my parents a chinese kid that they can raise as a grandchild." - a coworker at my internship, discussing his failed engagement

"dieting never really worked for me, so now i'm just trying to see how fat i can get." - professor tappan

"my trunk is big enough for 10 dead bodies." - someone i worked with. at a church.

"i feel really good this morning. i don't know if it's the coffee, or the heroine in the coffee." - professor tappan

"it's always weird when you look at someone, and they look back." - ashley

and probably half the door was from the best professor of all time...james elliot.

"what if i kept walking, and walked like right through that wall?"

"i'd probably go to china if the FBI would let me out of the country."

"you know when you go to the opthamologist and they put that thing up to your eyes and then they blow air in your eyes? that's fun, isn't it."

"there are very few things i love in this world more than snacks."

"...because you can get in trouble for that - writing prescriptions when you're not a doctor."

"i've been known to leave class, wash my hands, and come back."

"take deep breaths...what does that mean, exactly?"

"it's nice to have teeth. you know, like when you're trying to eat an apple."

"sorry. i'm not using my inside voice."

"that would help the world, wouldn't it? if we had more xylophones?"

"i spend most of my Christmases with a big bottle of gin."

"i'm going to ask the dean if i can be known as 'general.'"

"some person told me that i could do anything. that person is delusional."

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