Saturday, August 2, 2008


some quotes from the family...

dad: a customer at work brought me a book he wrote. he is a holocaust survivor.
me: what's it called?
dad: i can't remember. it didn't have a snappy title.
emily: why would a book about the holocaust have a snappy title?
me: maybe something like, "huzzah! the holocaust!"

laura: blah blah, something ridiculous
emily: sometimes silence is ok.

and of course we had to disagree about SOMETHING...

laura: blah blah, something about going green
dad: going green? are they feeding you that stuff at college?
me: you mean the stuff about how to glorify God by taking care of the earth He made?
dad: i want to make sure you don't just listen to one side of the story.
me: that definately goes both ways.

and i made an observation today. my mom was playing a rocking jaci velasquez cd in the car today, while we were travelling. (by rocking, i mean not rocking). christian music never changes. when you think of the rest of the world, there are clear stylistic changes over time. there is 70's music. 80's music. 90's music. but i was thinking...if this jaci velasquez cd had been released this year, instead of 8 or 9 years ago, it would have been received no differently. isn't that weird?

i mean there are SOME differences, for sure. keith green and larry norman and those fellas had their own vibe in the 60's and 70's, but after that...i feel like it's all the same. why is that?

i just found that book my dad was talking about on this desk i'm sitting at. it's called "living longer than hate" which, in my opinion, is a very snappy title.

i also just decided i need to find more uses for the word "snappy."

1 comment:

Deborah Barnett said...

this is just a really great post. you make me laugh.