Tuesday, August 12, 2008

ming wang

so the chinese men won gold in gymnastics last night. kinda sucks for the americans, but i always cheer for the chinese in a way. because i think if they lose, they are executed or something. i'm not sure about the specifics. so, they live to see another year.

also, i'm still reading moby dick. a year later. mostly, i hate it. but every now and then, while describing various parts of a whale or some aspect of whaling, the author describes something REALLY boring in a hilarious way.

like the spout and the tail.

"And I am convinced that from the heads of all ponderous profound beings, such as Plato, Pyrrho, the Devil, Jupiter, Dante; and so on, there always goes up a certain semi-visible steam, while in the act of thinking deep thoughts. While composing a little treatise on Eternity, I had the curiosity to place a mirror before me; and ere long saw reflected there, a curious involved worming and undulation in the atmosphere over my head. The invariable mositure of my hair, while plunged in deep thought, after six cups of hot tea in my thin shingled attic, of an August noon; this seems an additional argument for the above supposition."

"Other poets have warbled the praises of the soft eye of the antelope, and the lovely plumage of the bird that never alights; less celestial, I celebrate a tail."

those are both so ridiculous. first he groups the devil with plato and dante. and then he says he saw steam above his head while he was having a deep thought. and he saw it, because he was watching himself think. that is so golden.


i wish i was that clever.

back to the olympics. while i was going to the bathroom today, i had a disturbing thought. (just trying to keep it real.) except for the winter olympics in 2 years, this is the last time i will watch the olympics and be in the same basic age group as the athletes. that is WEIRD. it still makes me feel strange to watch college football, because i always feel like they're older than me, because they're so cool and big. but then i remember...i graduated two years ago. they are children. and now this, the olympics. right now we are peers. in four years...i will be their elder.



Sarah said...

I totally agree about the Chinese. I am always so worried about them getting hurt or killed afterwards if they lose. But..on the note of the Chinese..do you think the girl gymanasts look like they are 16 (which is how old they are supposed to be..) because I think they look 10. Just wondering..

i'mthechief said...

there were a couple that looked really young to me. but chinese people look young. generally. you know, if you meet a 50 year old chinese person and you're like "happy 29th birthday." and she says "actually i'm 50." it's the same thing. they age better.

i'mthechief said...

but...i have thought about how this olympics is so big to them, since they're hosting it, it's not like i'd be surprised if they pulled something like that. because they're so afraid of losing in front of the world.

and what's interesting about that is that WE DONT CARE as much as them. if they lose, we don't think "china is the worst nation ever, they suck in every way." we think "that's a bummer, but silver is good too." the rest of the world doesn't judge them as harshly as they judge themselves.