Friday, August 22, 2008

i want to marry the weekend.

i hope this post comes across as me laughing at ridiculous situations, because that's what i did all day today. sometimes it's hard to convey my actual mood through the written word, so that's why you're getting a disclaimer up front.

so, yesterday i mentioned i have the same conversation with my boss every friday. her tone may also be hard to convey, so for the is condescending and irritated with me.

here's how it goes. every friday.

her: how many kids are you expecting today?
me: nine.
her: where are you getting that number from?
me: well only three kids don't come on friday, so that leaves us with nine.
her: what about johnny-whines-a-lot? (names changed to protect the inno...the children)
me: i expect him to be here.
her: he won't be here, he doesn't come on fridays.
me: hmm. oh.

and then an hour later he shows up. every friday.

i can laugh at this situation because it's just so insane to me that it happens EVERY week. without fail. that's just too lame to be real, but it is real. instead of fighting with her about it every week, i just respond with "hmm. oh."* and let things play out how they do. it's not a good idea to fight with your boss, you know. that's what you learn in employment 101. actually that's what you learn when you're four, and your parents do their job.

but after the week i've had, today i felt a little sassier. i decided not to pretend to be a lost little lamb who had no idea what the answer to her question was.

so this is how it went today.

her: how many kids are you expecting today?
me: nine.
her: where are you getting that number from?
me: well only three kids don't come on friday, so that leaves us with nine.
her: what about johnny-whines-a-lot?
me: i expect him to be here.
her: he won't be here, he never comes on fridays.
me: hmm. really? i thought he always came on fridays. maybe i'm thinking of someone else.

and an hour later, he showed up. who's anxious to see what happens next friday? i know i am.


situation number two.

the new school year starts next week for us. as i was meandering through the halls, i happened to notice a sheet of paper on a random table. it had a checklist for all the things the teachers needed to get done. starting on the 11th of august. somehow this list never made it to us. there was a list of chores for last week, this week, and next week. luckily, my common sense got our stuff done last week without having been told to do it. so that's probably why she didn't come to us and say "UMMM...why didn't you do what the list said?"

so when i found it, i went to her and said..."i just found this laying around. a copy of it never got to our classroom, so i just wanted to let you know that's why we haven't been working on some of these things, but we'll start right away."

HOW...HOW...does that happen? that's an eleven day gap between when it was supposed to be passed out, and when i discovered it.

so here's the part to laugh at. one of the things on the list for this week was to take down the old art, and put some new art up.

i had done that on one of our walls already. on another wall we had this "beach" theme going, complete with an ocean and fish all over it. it's been up for the summer. i turned the ocean into a sky by moving it to the TOP of the wall. i took the fish off. i quickly painted some stars on it. and i had the kids color some rockets today that i stuck all over the wall, shooting up to the "sky." it was space week this week anyway.

brilliance in a bottle!

it's not the prettiest wall in the world, and we'll change it within the next week. but i felt good about the quick transformation.

*my sister emily recently pointed out that when i don't agree with something, the first thing i say is "hmm." i didn't notice it until she said that, but she's totally right. now you know my secret. if i say "hmm" i'm holding my tongue about something.

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