Wednesday, August 13, 2008

nicky and alex

if every word i said, could make you laugh, i'd talk forever...

i just watched may/walsh win another volleball game. i won't waste your time by writing about how good they are. we all know this.

has anyone noticed the "mood music" in the background of the beach volleyball games?

it is hysterical. (i usually say hilarious, but i wanted to mix it up tonight.)

this is one of the few events that has music playing. it's the only one i've noticed, but i'm assuming some team sports like basketball have it playing too.

i laughed the other day because of what i heard playing, but i can't remember the titles. tonight, however, i remember.

the beach boys.

i would love to know who is in charge of the music selection. i'm not saying the beach boys have no place in society. it's just a funny choice. just think about it. the beach boys...blaring in china.

i have so many questions. do they only play american music at beach volleyball? if not, what do chinese and brazilian and norwegian athletes normally listen to while playing? if it is tailored to whoever is playing...who decided that americans want to listen to the beach boys?

well, anyway, i think it's funny and weird. my favorite combination.

on a different note, i hope no one starts calling michael phelps the "golden boy." maybe they already did, and i just noticed it subconsciously, and also subconsciously noted it as lame-o.

and i invite everyone reading this to follow my train of thought and guess where the title of this post comes from. i think my sister sarah has the best shot. it's not that hard...i just think it's one of the more random trains i've ridden on. from 2008 to 1993 in mere seconds. it's a time travelling train of thought.

it's always important to know when to stop, so that'll be it for today.

(i had a really bad day at work today. sometimes that sends me into a rage, but today it looks like i went the other direction. easily amused.)


I am Mexico. said...

I'm putting money on Full House. Bam.

i'mthechief said...

you win! but i don't have any money.

the actual train went like this...

beach boys - uncle jesse likes to sing the beach boys - uncle jesse sang forever - forever is actually a beach boys song! - nicky and alex were so cute in that music video uncle jesse made of forever

if i had wanted to make it hard, i would have continued it by making the title "george clooney." because uncle jesse is now on the cast of E.R., which is where george clooney got his start.

BAM. there's my mind.

Sarah said...

Dang it! He beat me! That's what I get for not staying glued to your blog.