Wednesday, August 20, 2008

if you want to be a smart ass...

vote democrat.

i told you i wouldn't forget that slogan! so clever and catchy.

so here's my question.


i know we're "supposed" to vote and everything, but i don't want to.

that's not a question. it's a dilemma.

i feel like Christians make this huge deal out of voting, and i agree that it's important. it's kind of funny how we take it to another level. the rest of society says "be cool, and vote." or whatever the slogan is. Christians say, "vote or rot in hell for eternity!" or something like that. we add on to the normal motivations to vote (hoorah democracy!), and say we have to represent God and make a Godly choice so the devil won't rule our nation.

i'm not making fun of that, or downplaying that. voting is important. it is.

but what if one side of the ticket is baby killers, and you think...WOW, that's BAD. i don't want anyone to kill any more babies. let's stop that. so you decide you can't vote for that party.

but then you look at the other side, and realize those people don't take care of poor people. or widows, or orphans. the helpless. and that's the political issue Christ left us with, above any other. so you think...the babies will live, but their life will suck because poverty and unemployment is so rampant and out of control. God didn't tell me "make murder your number one priority!" He said...go and make disciples, and take care of the people that can't take care of themselves. (wow, worst summary of the Gospel, EVER).

and, yes, that includes unborn babies. they are the epitome of helpless. but since when are we supposed to decide who to vote for, based on ONE issue?? what about all the others? if the democrats get the rest right, and the republicans get the rest wrong...why vote JUST on abortion?

i don't think it's as simple as that. both parties have multiple flaws.

but that's what i'm saying is bothering me.

you don't really do much to advance Christ's Kingdom either way.

maybe i serve Him better by being a law-abiding citizen, and submissive to the government He establishes...and i should keep the blood off my hands by not voting. because there's something messed up with both candidates.

i don't know, i'm just saying, it's pretty hard to figure out.

feedback is welcome, and desired.

so, what a weird day i'm having. first i am upset because my job wearing me down...and now i'm thinking about politics. i'm pretty sure i'm not insane, but you never know.

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