Tuesday, August 26, 2008

no one's ears hang that low.

i forgot to mention that yesterday i saw a lame-o book at borders, in the "religious" section.

it was called the "52 greatest stories of the Bible." google it if you think i'm making it up.

it took me a minute or two to realize that's not an arbitrary number. i'm betting they're basing it around 52 weeks of the year. it's a devotional book.

but still. it left me with some questions.

what is the criteria for determining which stories are the "greatest?"

did they pick ones that easily translate to the flannel board? in that case, song of solomon gets cut even if it's "greater."

what stories got left out?

why not just call it "52 great stories of the Bible."

will there be a sequel? (probably so...)because that automatically discredits the title of the original book.

on a different note, let me share with you the song that was in my head tonight as i was driving back to my apartment. now, let me remind you that i am 24 years old. i've been listening to music for my entire life. i studied music business in college. my brain has a great library to choose from, when it comes to music.

the selection today was this:

do your ears hang low?
do they wobble to and fro?
can you tie them in a knot?
can you tie them in a bow?
can you throw them over your shoulder like a continental soldier?
do your ears hang low?

and no, we have never sung that at work. ever.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Totally happens to me all the time! Except it is usually "Deck the Halls" for some odd reason..