Monday, August 25, 2008

nose held high.

so i just finished reading two heavy books. moby dick and the case for covenantal infant baptism.

oh, and here's a fun side note...there's always a "reflection time" quote in my church's program every week. this week's quote was from moby dick! a day after i finished reading it. it's times like these that make me think the world really does revolve around me.

moving on. (but not really to a better place, as you'll soon see...)

we had a staff meeting at work tonight. i had a couple hours between the time i got off and the meeting, so i went to borders. i got two books. the time traveller's wife and stuff white people like.

it's true. i bought the book even though it's all on the website. it's the perfect book to read after the two i just finished. so light and fluffy. i'll be done in a day or two. (so far, it's just been me saying "i do! i do like that!" over and over again...)

and then i'll read the time traveller's wife, which i feel is the perfect transition book, based on what i've heard about it.

"transition book? what are you transitioning to?" you ask.

brace yourselves.

homer's odyssey.

i'll feel so superior to everyone when i finish.

i'm a sinner. it's true. but you can all humble me by asking me what it was about, and i'm sure i'll have no idea. not one person has told me this is a good book. sweet.


Val and Steve said...

Oooh Time Traveler's Wife is really good. Just let your imagination run. It's best if you don't try to analyze (which I do a lot) the hows of the book, but if you just run wild with the plot and the story line. You'll have to let me know what you think. I've read it twice because I think Audrey Niffenegger is a great story teller.
Good luck with Homer's Odyssey. I've tried that one and gave up. Oh wait - I'm thinking of the Iliad. Nevermind.

i'mthechief said...

that one's also on my list. haha. i'm so pretentious.