Tuesday, March 9, 2010


i haven't been blogging as much lately.

quick updates:

- i am walking the half-marathon in april.


it's fun to have specific goals for each week. 4 miles here. 9 miles there.

- i just started reading "the art of war" by sun tzu. i know it's probably wrong to be impressed with myself, but i so am.

- i've gotten to hear lots of live music lately. the best kind of music.

- i'm moving soon. i'm going to live with another human being again. i hope i don't act like an animal.

- today i had to tell a kid in my class not to chew on someone else's jacket. yeah. never had to go there before.

- i had my first real conversation with my niece on the phone! i've tried before, but she just stares at the phone. she jabbered a lot this time! a couple times i didn't understand one little syllable, but my sister would say that she was trying to tell me a story about something that happened to her that day. how cute is that. and one time i made her laugh. and one time she called me Jesus. and she can count and say her ABC's. and there's a baby in her mommy's tummy. that makes 2 nieces for me! i feel so lucky. it's such a delight to love kailey.

- its 10pm. my blogging law forbids me from saying anything else.

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