Saturday, March 13, 2010


the worst of the packing, i think, is over.

at least in terms of absurdity. i've finished with my closet. which is where i apparently stored 7 trash bags full of JUNK. i cannot believe the things i kept in there, just sitting in boxes. what did i think i was going to do with this stuff??

- a pregnany test from a white elephant party. sure, it was funny. but why did i keep it?

- artifacts from when i was a children's ministry intern. pictures that were colored for me, and samples of the brochures and posters i created.

- receipts. from like, my entire life.

- posters of bands. i threw out 20 or so. did i think i was going to hang those up again? plastering your walls with posters is cool when you're 19. not so much when you're 26. and, ok, so maybe i kept 5 or 6. the ones that were my favorites. i can see myself sharing that music with future generations and giving them the posters. passing them on. i think that's charming. if my parents had given me old music posters i would have peed my pants. or i could frame a couple of them, like an adult.

this is the problem, isn't it.

- a little dry erase board from my college dorm days. why. why. why did i keep that. to hang on my front door for neighbors to leave me notes? aw. maybe i will. just kidding.

- so. many. movie. ticket. stubs.

- an easter snow globe. i am not going to be that old lady. but i guess i was heading there before tonight.

- i've discussed the notes from my college days.

- and the braces. which i am keeping. because it's funny.

old habits die hard?

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