Sunday, April 5, 2009

this is my 200th post...

...and considering how i sometimes cram 7 unrelated ideas into one post, that's at least 1000 things you didn't need to know about me. cheers.

only three unrelated ideas today:

1) last night i dreamed that my dad quoted something he considered wise. but i gently informed him that it was a karl marx quote. whoops.

2) i went on a retreat with my church and learned that one of my spiritual gifts is knowledge. which is mostly useless. awesome. unless i want to go to seminary and then become a Bible professor. and my knowledge tells me that aquiring more student loan debt, especially in this economy, is the worst idea ever. actually that's not knowledge. that's common sense. darn it.

3) an excellent question:

"I've got to ask something: why is it that whenever someone does something blasphemous or wrong, people joke around about God striking them with lightning? I've blogged about this before, but when was that precedent ever set? As far as I know, God never used lighting to kill someone in the Bible. A Great Flood? Check. Giant hole in the ground? Sure. But lightning? Zeus maybe, but not Jehovah. On top of that, why are we so afraid of lightning strikes anyway? They only kill about 80 people a year in the U.S. whereas horse-related injuries kill over 200 people a year. Maybe next time someone does something wrong, instead of saying “watch out for the lightning bolt!” we should say, 'Ride ‘em cowboy!'"

- stuff christians like blog

1 comment:

Deborah Barnett said...

I'm totally using "ride 'em cowboy!" from now on.

on a semi-related but kind of unrelated topic...

Why do people use the phrase, "I don't mean to beat a dead horse..."?

That's so violent and graphic. I'm surprised PETA hasn't put an end to that saying.