Monday, April 6, 2009

my car passed 200 thousand miles today.

no explosions yet.

i bet it still gets better gas mileage than yours.

and i got a letter from my grandma...

she used a rainbow of colors to write it.

"your Grandpa bought me a variety of color pens. you can see i'm trying them out."

if you're not laughing at the subtle, and completely unintentional, hilarity...i don't know why you even read my blog.


Deborah Barnett said...

that's exactly why I read your blog. Subtle hilarity.

did you notice that the day after your 200th post your car posted 200 thousand miles? Hmmm... isn't that eerie...

i'mthechief said...

i did notice. i was hoping i'd stumble upon 200 dollars the next day. but it was not to be.

Anonymous said...

hahah every once in awhile i read your blog, and this one made me seriously laugh. i love grandma. i'm so jealous you got a colorful letter like that!
