Tuesday, April 21, 2009

i used to be indecisive, but now i'm not sure.

we finally got the report back on our evaluation. it took two months. we knew we passed, but my boss wouldn't give us our bonus until she saw our individual room scores. a recap: we did well. really well. but didn't get any credit from our boss until today. the state said "good job!" my boss said "we'll wait and see if it was good."

but we got what she called a "really high toddler score!" teachers with our age group don't usually score well because the kids are so impossible at this age. but we did well, and i'm getting my bonus.

which means i will get to say goodbye to .002% of my student loans. cha-ching!

and today's funny observation:

we have a couple cars in the classroom that they can ride around on. today i saw one kid riding on a car, but he also wanted to work a puzzle. the choice was too much for him. so he rode his car up to the puzzle shelf, and worked a puzzle while sitting on the car. what a generation we're raising.

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