Monday, April 13, 2009

a flashback.

first, a random fact about my apartment:

my kitchen lights only work in the morning. any insight as to why that might be?


i'm reading "the reason for God" by tim keller. finally. i didn't want to buy it for myself, because it's so overpriced. but my sister gave it to me for my birthday! the celebration of my existence continues.

chapter 2: how can a good God allow suffering and evil?

big topic.

i remembered i once gave a speech titled "the existence of evil proves the existence of God."

as a freshman in college!

i now realize how bold that was, and i have no idea why i was not intimidated by the topic. youthful arrogance?

i even remember turning in the topic for approval. and my professor balked and said "you're going to need some really good arguments." and i was just like "yeah, big deal..."

i got myself an A too. (it's true. i remember my grades.)

apparently that arrogance still lingers.

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