Wednesday, March 18, 2009

why so serious?

richard winters...

i'm reading his war memoirs. i just read the chapter about D-Day. they flew into france, jumped out of planes, and got to work. (all three of those statements...kind of a big deal...)

his thoughts after his day full of heroic acts:

"Before I dozed off, I did not forget to get on my knees and thank God for helping me to live through this day and to ask His help on D+1. I would live this war one day at a time, and I promised myself that if I survived, I would find a small farm somewhere in the Pennsylvania countryside and spend the remainder of my life in quiet and peace."

it's hard to just blow over what was written about in that chapter, but i'm going to try...

because i think that quote is a great summary of LIFE.

even after you live through some nasty, soul-killing's not over. there's more to do. more to live through. i love that line about asking God for help on "D+1." i really feel completely dependent on God to help me through a bunch of things. every day, i have to ask for more help. every morning i get up and know i won't make it through a day of work with a good attitude unless He helps me. taking life one day at a time...that is very real.

D+1. think about it. flying into france while being shot at, jumping out of planes while being shot at, conquering little pockets of the enemy while being shot at. some victory. some death. some exhaustion. and they had to get up the next day and do it some more.


from the world war two memorial in d.c...

"here we mark the price of freedom."

every star = 100 lives lost.

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