Tuesday, March 3, 2009

little truthful one.

i got a new sweatshirt on saturday.

i wore it for the first time tonight.

it is unspeakably soft on the inside.

the only description i could come up with:

it's like wearing a hug.

also, we're doing this project at work with the kid's names. we're making them stuff with their name meanings and origins on it. one little girl's name means "sea of bitterness." not cute! i'm going to need to make something up...

which is ironic because my name means "little truthful one."


Deborah Barnett said...

I've always hated the meaning of my name... and consequently have lived up to it. "The Worker Bee" or "Industrious One"... so glamorous.

Anonymous said...

katherine haley shaw= "pure, heroic, dweller under a grove of trees"

i don't know how heroic one can be when hanging out all day in the shade...