Thursday, January 22, 2009

wash, wash, wash your hands.

my day was intense for two reasons:

1) we are being evaluated by the state at work in a month. so today we had a mock evaluation. which meant my boss was in the classroom with us for 4 hours. scrutinizing everything we did. four hours. she was in her happy place. i was not.

2)i voted in the special election! it felt so good. i'm a registered voter, so there's no reason to only vote in the presidental election every four years, right? especially since he doesn't really do as much as people think...but that's another topic, for another time. anyway, this issue of "english only" seemed really important to me. so i voted. and when i read the sample ballot, it made me want to cry. "No person shall have a right to government services in any other language."

what does speaking english have to do with anything.

to put it in better terms: what does it have to do with the Kingdom of God?

absolutely nothing.

and i know our government isn't Christian, but i vote as one.

it's mind-boggling how someone would devote so much time, energy, and money to getting this amendment ratified. think of all that could have been done for real injustice in this city.

1 comment:

Deborah Barnett said...

you said it sista... glad you voted!