Tuesday, January 6, 2009


"When her cupcakes sold out in minutes at the bake sale, Janet had the epiphany that she should try to open a small bakery of her own."


that's my word of the day on my calendar. i've used that word a million times before.

but i had a semi-epiphany today. i already knew what i learned, but it was good confirmation.

i hate coffee.

i had a meeting at work tonight. but i also had a couple hours before the meeting...time to kill. so my routine for these meetings is to go get chickfila for dinner, and then wander aimlessly around borders. maybe buy a book, maybe not. but they have a really good clearance section i like to peruse. (that one was not on my word of the day calendar. i just know it.)

and then i thought i could go sit in the borders cafe area for a little while. and maybe try some coffee. i haven't sampled any in years. it always looks delicious. other people seem to like it. maybe my tastes have changed.

i wanted to throw up all over myself.

i know, any coffee fiends* out there are just going to say "that's because you got coffee at BORDERS!"


i just hate coffee.

*i'm not a genius. but lately...my vocabulary (lexicon!) has been out of control. i don't know what's going on, but i like (enjoy, take pleasure in, rejoice in!) it.


Anonymous said...

Me too! Nasty stuff. I remember praying daily that I wouldn't have to drink it when I was in Latin America. Once, someone served it to me even after I said I didn't want any. I tried to drink it, I really did. But my friend saved me and switched her empty cup with mine when the host wasn't looking.
And hooray for talking about Epiphany! I celebrated Epiphany yesterday with friends by burning Christmas trees. Weird.

i'mthechief said...

that's funny, but sounds...fun. burning Christmas trees. i'm all for that! =)

also, i didn't that "Epiphany" was a thing until today, when i ripped january 6th off the calendar. and on the back of every day, there's a "fun fact" about the word. and it said that "Epiphany" is observed on january 6th, to commemorate the first manifestation of Christ to the gentiles. um...so cool! i wish i knew that before. but apparently you did.