Wednesday, January 7, 2009


i am not a morning person, and i'm not just saying that.

the proof:

1) this morning i felt chilly, so i decided to wear an extra t-shirt under my work shirt. i got to work, and then started to take my jacket off. it was then that i discovered i had forgotten to put my actual work shirt on.

2) i had a letter to stick in the mail a few days ago. so i put it directly in front of my door, so that i couldn't miss it on my way out. i have to do those sorts of things, because i know i don't function well in the morning. everything has to be set out the night before. breakfast on the counter, lunch prepared in the fridge...everything. i put the letter in front of the door, so i wouldn't miss it. and i didn't miss it. i grabbed it, and patted myself on the back in my mind (?), and walked out the door. and straight to my car without putting it in my mailbox. i realized it later when i got back in my car and saw the envelope sitting on my passenger seat.

3) i think i've mentioned this one before, but it's worth repeating. i went to a concert a few months ago. so i was out later than usual. i still had to get up at 6am to get ready for work. it was worth it. BUT...the next morning, i was feeling ambitious and decided to make cereal. usually i'll just grab a bagel or pop tart or something that doesn't require assembly. big mistake. i spilled the cereal all over the front of myself. and when i got back from work that day, i discovered i had also put the milk on top of the fridge. so it was ruined. that's ok, because i laughed at myself.

i mean, it's funny, right? if it's too early, i can't feed myself or dress myself. there was another time i went to work with my shirt on inside out. awesome.

you know how heaven exists outside of time?

i think it's always 6am in hell.


Deborah Barnett said...

amen sista! Anti-morning person here... I once went to work with 2 different shoes on... because I had to be there at 6am.


i'mthechief said...

that's exactly the kind of problem i run into. so i set my entire outfit out, shoes included, the night before. it has to be like this. or i don't know what would happen. i could actually forget to put clothes on.