Friday, November 21, 2008

i. hate. winter.

i briefly considered moving to boston, about a year ago. i needed a change. i wanted to get away.

then i remembered that boston is cold.

this was only one of the reasons i decided not to move, but it was the number one reason. i hate being cold. i hate cold weather. i hate winter.

which is why i find it incredibly amusing that my car does too.

my car has a few quirks that are only issues in cold weather.

1) the speakers in the front of my car do not work when it's cold. well, they kind of do. on and off.
2) i have to wait a minute or so after i turn the car off to take the key out of the ignition. only when it's cold. the key will not come out until we sit for a minute.
3) the dashboard lights do not work when it's cold. which makes it harder to drive at night. i can't see what speed i'm going.

how weird is that.

only when it's cold!

this only makes me hate cold weather even more. i completely forget about these things until it's cold.

side note:

this, for once, has nothing to do with me being texan. there are parts of texas that are really cold. it has nothing to do with me being raised in the south.

it has everything to do with cold weather being evil.

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