Saturday, November 1, 2008

hey, world.

i like reading blogs.

am i the only one who reads random blogs? i read some that my friends write, but then i start clicking on the blogs that their friends write, and their friends, and so on. there are some really interesting people that i've never met out there. everywhere. (it also makes me really curious if there are any silent observers reading this blog. hello!)

for the next week, i'm going to be reading the blogs of some very specific strangers.

there's a group of people (i think 8) taking a trip to the dominican republic. they're going to blogging about the ministry of compassion international in the dominican republic. i'm really curious to see what they see. i love learning about other cultures. i'm also really excited to see what they have to say about compassion in that area. i know about what compassion does, but i don't know that much. i've never heard first-hand reports from people going on one of compassion's trips. should check it out too, if you're a blog stalker like me. and i know you are.

here's the page with links to all of their blogs.

(one of them has a blog called "owl haven." i'm not really sure what that's about, but apparently she has been posting the story of how she and her husband got together. and i totally got sucked in. i'm a girl...)

and, you know, browse through some photos of children. there's a link on the right...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, you're not the only one blog stalker. I jumped to you from your comment on SCL. There's a bunch of us lurking around.