Monday, December 12, 2011

speak better words to me.

amazing how...
i don't have to lift myself out of discouragement.
You are never discouraged.

i don't have to be strong. there's no use for my strength.

i grow weary trying to figure my own feelings out. i can't think about them anymore. and i don't have to. i am told to Rest. that is right where You want me. collapsed.

on You.

worn out.
unable to help myself.
just lying here incapable of change.

i've been told i'm not like the others.
like oil and water.
they don't mix.
i've been told a lot of things.

speak better words to me.

that's what i want to hear. but don't tell me what i want to hear. tell me what You have to say. i don't want to hear anything vile. i don't want to be accused. Your words are better.

speak better words.

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