Sunday, December 4, 2011

babies cry.

i think i have mentioned before that i don't like Christmas things.

i don't want to hear songs about snowmen or creepy men inviting you into their house for a drink. (baby, it's cold outside...the man poisoned a woman's drink and held her against her will. it's so clear.)

i like most of the songs that are traditionally sung in churches, but that's just because they're not "Christmas" songs to me. they're songs about Jesus.

some of them give me the same uncomfortable feeling as "jingle bells" and "santa, baby", though. (how does anyone get through this song without experiencing extreme levels of discomfort? santa is at least 70 years old. go back to bed.)

take "silent night."

you're really going to tell me that there weren't any sheep bleating, or donkeys snorting? and the new baby wasn't screaming His head off? nobody stepped in any animal feces?

all is calm, all is bright.

right. that would be a Christmas miracle.

the "poetic license" thing bugs me a bit.

all that to say...i don't think writing holiday cards is in my future.

but tonight at my church we sang "hark! the herald angels sing."

during the last verse, i was really struck by the lyrics pointing to the fact that Christ was born, so that _____. it points to different reasons why Christ was born. born that man no more may die. born to raise the sons of earth. born to give them second birth.

born not just to bridge a gap between humanity and God. born not just to rescue people from hell.

born to give me hope.

born so i won't be afraid.

born to be my companion.

born to whisper Truth to me when the enemy whispers lies.

born so i don't have to absorb the flaming arrows from the enemy...born to shield me from them.

what would i do if He had never been born?


born to save me from despair.

i have been saved from so much.

1 comment:

Misti said...

Allison! That was beautiful!!! And funny of course :) And I completely agree about babies crying. Right now is actually a very rare quiet moment... oops, moment over! When there are 15, those moments are few and far between! Thanks for the encouragement and the laugh!