Friday, December 19, 2008

have i won you over yet?

i just called my grandparents to talk to them about my uncle jim who passed away a few days ago.

i'll be keeping the emotional details of that phone call to myself...

but i would like to submit an idea to the general public. i think we should all take part in more 3-way phone conversations.

you know the kind i'm talking about. when you call your grandparents (or whoever) and your grandpa answers the phone, and then grandma goes into another room and gets on that phone. then you talk to grandma for several minutes, and haven't heard grandpa say a word, so you assume he hung up. and then all of a sudden he chimes in and scares the crap out of you. that kind of phone call.

it's the best kind of phone call. i really believe this.

so that was fun. here's a little snippet of the conversation...

grandma: you should find a job out here. we're good people out here.
me: that's so true. you are.
grandma: but i know you have to make that decision yourself. you have to be happy where you are.
me: also true.
grandma: i know it would be hard to leave your friends, but you could make new ones. you wouldn't have any trouble with that sweet smile of yours.
me: thanks grandma! that's really nice.
grandma: it's true. you have a really sweet smile. it's the kind of smile that can win friends and influence people.

i have no words...


Sarah said...

she did NOT! She said those exact words???

i'mthechief said...

those EXACT WORDS!! i'm not making it up, seriously.

i had to fight so hard not to laugh on the phone. especially since she was kind of crying when she said it.