Wednesday, December 17, 2008

it's worse than snow.

some wednesday ramblings.

we didn't go on the playground at work today, because it was cold and misty. (i'll get back to THAT in a moment...) so we had to think of creative ways to entertain the children during our playground time. we chose bubbles. i started blowing bubbles, and they ambushed me. there was so much glee. they love bubbles. while they were running around me trying to catch the bubbles, one of the little girls got so excited she actually yelled "happy birthday, guys!"

now let me offer my thoughts on the almost-rain. do you know what i'm talking about? it's almost raining, but it's not actually raining. it's misting. it makes me want to scream. not only is it cold, but this weird mist thing going on keeps fogging the windows in my car up. which means i have to turn the defroster thingy on, instead of the HEAT. and THEN, to make matters worse, there's not even enough "mist" to make the wipers necessary...but there's just enough to where i can't see very well through the window. so i have to turn the wipers on, but they make a terrible screeching noise since there's basically nothing between them and the windshield.

it is not awesome. i hate it. i'd rather the roads be covered in sparkly death.

you know, snow. i have a picture that captures the spirit of snow.

i know what you're thinking. "oh look at that, how pretty! there's a bench covered in snow!" but guess what. lots of people walked by that bench that day, really tired and worn out from their day, and they couldn't sit down. you want to know why? because of the SNOW.


some closing thoughts:

the phrase "pull the plug" is incredibly offensive, and i will never use it again. not when referring to a human life. it took on new meaning this week. my uncle passed away today. my aunt faced some tough decisions, and i REALLY hope no one phrased them to her that way.

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