Thursday, September 25, 2008

how much am i worth?

every few days i remember how outrageous my life is. i think that i'll have so many ridiculous stories to share by age 30. if there were any life lessons to be gleaned from them, i'd write a book.

that's the first time i've used the word "gleaned" in my entire life. i think it worked well.

but seriously. i had that weird day at work where they handed out awards and we did group exercises. then there was that other day when i had the most uncomfortable moment of my life, and i'll probably write about that eventually...but it's just a little too soon. trust me, though. it was noteworthy.

and just now, as i was watching a rerun of friends about the gellar/bing wedding, i had a flashback that reminded me...this isn't a new trend in my life.

in the summer of 2006, my best friend got married. i was a bridesmaid. that was one of the best weekends of my life. it was so laid-back. nothing like a normal wedding. no stress. just fun! the power even went out and we had the ceremony by candlelight, and she didn't even care. there was no bridezilla to be found.

however, i felt pretty sick that day. since there was no air conditioning, it was pretty hot. i went into the ceremony with a headache. the hotness (temperature) turned it into a migraine. by the time we got to the reception, all i could do was sit there and force a smile. i'm still mad about that. it was so beautiful, and i was so happy for them. but i felt really, really bad.

one of the side effects of migraines, in addition to not wanting to be near light or any kind of noise, is nausea.


it's taken me a couple years to be able to laugh about this. but on the way back to the hotel, AFTER the wedding (thankfully), i totally threw up all over myself in the car. i knew it was going to happen if i didn't lay down, but i was hoping we'd make it to the hotel. we did not. i tried to get the driver (her sister) to pull over before the incident became an "incident", but it took her too long.

so we stopped at a hollywood video! how random and surreal is that. i went in and changed my clothes, and brushed my teeth. for some reason as i was remembering this tonight, it struck me as hysterical that someone had to go empy the trash that night...and that person discovered a bridesmaid dress covered in vomit.

how ridiculous.

it's good that someone started this blogging trend, because i need to record these things somewhere. and i'm not really the "dear diary" type.


theBobcatBite said...

Well Ma always said that in spite of the migraine, "Allison was soo beauuutiful!" (you have to read that in a Ma voice.)

i'mthechief said...

oh yeah! oh, Ma. she's so great.

I am Mexico. said...

FYI, I had no idea about this. However, I share your laughter at someone taking the trash out and finding a brides maid's dress with vomit on it. I wonder if that person's first thought was, "Oh wow, what a great dress! With vomit on it?! Gross....I wonder if that would wash out? Maybe I'll take it home and try!" Hey, it could have happened.

Also, for the record, this is a great story!

i'mthechief said...

you didn't know?! dude. you were there. i thought everyone knew.

if someone took my dress out of the trash...well, i guess that's ok. weird, but ok. it really pained me to throw it away, because i liked that dress. but in order to keep it i would have to fly back with it...still covered in puke. it didn't sound like an appealing option at the time.

i'mthechief said...

also good that you couldn't tell i felt bad...i have no idea how i hid it so well.