Wednesday, September 17, 2008

meg white.

i would like to share two things that made me laugh today.

one show that i watch regularly is "bones." (i. can't. wait. for. the. office.) it's a really funny version of a typical forensic science show. the main character is really into facts, and is not in touch with her emotions. it's great. like tonight, somebody mentioned cinderella. her thoughts: "i never understood that story."

that's not one of the funny things. it's just some character info to explain the first funny thing.

so tonight part of the case had to do with dog fighting, and she decided to adopt one of the dogs. but they had to put it down because it killed a human. so she decided to bury it, and her partner went along. this was their conversation, which made me laugh really hard.

booth: would you like to say something before we go?
bones: ok. this dog paid the price for a human's mistake, and it was unfair to ask him to do that.
booth: why are you looking at me when you say that? it's not my fault.
bones: you're the only person here.
boooth: talk to the universe, or God or something.
bones: i don't believe in God.
booth: well, God is dog spelled backwards. talk to the dog.
bones: well, it's not like he can hear me, and even if he could he has limited vocabulary skills.

i so want to be like that. i am in some ways. i hate "the notebook" and "garden state" which everyone else in the world adores. spare me.

and the second funny thing is a quote from the chuck klosterman book i am currently reading. he wrote this article about psychic people. he visited 5 of them, and this is a quote from his second visit:

"The greatest revelation about me regarded my past life: it turns out I was once a well-educated woman who died in 1919. Upon hearing this, I did some reasearch in the library. In January of '19, there was an explosion in a Boston molasses factory; a surge of molasses killed twenty-one people and several horses. I can only assume I was part of this disaster; I've always mysteriously feared molasses (and, to a lesser extent, dead horses)."

and i am extending another invitation to my faithful readers. how did my train of thought lead me to the title of this post? your head is totally going to explode trying to figure it out.


Deborah Barnett said...

as close as I can guess... is that Meg White is from the band White Stripes and you are still matching music to your mood - so one of their songs has to do with your post? Bone Broke? Rag and Bone?

too obvious?

i'mthechief said...

good guess, but that's not it. i thought someone might go there, because in the chuck klosterman book i'm reading...he does an article on white stripes. so i could have gotten to meg white that way. but i didn't.

i don't do well with suspense. i can't keep it to myself any longer, and it's only been a day.

"bones", the show i was talking about, is on the fox network. whenever i hear the word "fox" i think of the movie "you've got mail", because that little kid knows how to spell "fox". and because that's tom hanks' last name in the movie. which he co-stars in with...meg white.

my mind is ridiculous.

Sarah said...

Meg Ryan???

i'mthechief said...


turns out MY mind should have exploded...

because i'm an idiot.

i wonder why i thought her name was meg white.